Retired Member Thomas J. Barrett, Sr. passed away on Monday, January 13, 2025. Visitation will be held Thursday 3:00pm- 8:00pm at Cooney Funeral Home located at 625 Busse Hwy. in Park Ridge. Funeral Friday, prayers at the funeral home 10:00am going to Immaculate Conception for 10:30am mass. Thomas Barrett Obituary | Jan 13, 2025 | Park Ridge, IL

Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.

London Marie Moore (Daughter of Active Member Tamara Helse) passed away on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Arrangements listed below. Please keep the Moore and Helse families in your thoughts and prayers.


Hotel booking info now available on updated flyer —> 29 Year and a Day Anniversary Vegas Trip for the May 16, 1996 Candidate Class (BFCE)
Only five months out! Time to start planning for the 29th Anniversary and a Day Vegas Trip and Party for the May 16, 1996 (BFCE) Candidate Class! Everyone Welcome! More details to follow. If interested, contact Mike Seguin, Batt 4, 1st Pl.