Hotel booking info now available on updated flyer —> 29 Year and a Day Anniversary Vegas Trip for the May 16, 1996 Candidate Class (BFCE)
Only five months out! Time to start planning for the 29th Anniversary and a Day Vegas Trip and Party for the May 16, 1996 (BFCE) Candidate Class! Everyone Welcome! More details to follow. If interested, contact Mike Seguin, Batt 4, 1st Pl.
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Chicago Fire Fighters Union
440 W. 43rd St.
Chicago, IL 60609
Office Hours: Mon. – Fri.; 8am – 3:30pm
P: 773-536-0450
F: 773-536-8117
E: [email protected]
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
773-536-0450 x 307 & 308